Figma UI工具包模板,Sunny Figma - 个人博客和照片共享应用程序的UI工具包

UI工具包 190 2019-09-09
**********Sunny Figma Version V_1.0********* Sunny Mobile UI Kit offers a flexible platform for the designer to build and customise mobile app UI for the client. It has 26 meticulously crafted screens which have well-organized layers and their groups with respective labels. All screens are designed to deliver a visually pleasing experience. It is useful for designers working on apps related to photo editing, photo sharing, photo gallery, blogging, portfolio, etc. It uses freely available resources like high-resolution photo stock and quality fonts from Google. It is available in three different visual styles for your choice and also available in four different file formats for compatibility. Well and clear html documentation file included with this package.